
Anupama 12th November 2023 Today’s Episode Written Updates

Anupama 27th September 2023

Today’s Anupama 12th November 2023 episode begins with Leela and Kavya purchasing Diwali utensils from a seller. Kavya chooses a tiny dish and spoon for the infant, but Leela requests that the seller display the entire family’s plates. As Kavya requests eight plates, Leela informs her that three people have already left, bringing the total to five. Kinjal arrives and explains that they will return on holidays and special occasions, which is why she doesn’t want Leela to remove them so violently from her heart.

Continue reading to know more about today’s episode.

Also, read Anupama’s November 11, 2023 episode update.


Leela Misses Samar

Anupama 6 July 2023

Leela bursts into tears and expresses how much she misses Samar, prompting Kavya to remark that if Samar had been around, the entire house would have lit up by now. Kinjal advises her not to cry in public since it would upset Samar.


Anuja And Anupama’s Bickering

Anupamaa 25 May 2023 Written Update

In the meantime, Anuj and Anupama select pressure cookers and begin bickering about which one to use. Anu and Romil mock Anuj and Anupama for bickering, and Romil records the entire dispute as Anuj picks one cooker while Anupama chooses another. Anupama believes it should be her decision because she needs a new cooker. However, Anuj believes it is his choice because he is purchasing them. Romil questions them why they can’t buy both of their options at the same time, which solves the problem and causes Anuj and Anupama to chuckle.


Enraged Pakhi

Muskaan Bamne Anupamaa Salary

Pakhi returns to her room and begs Adhik for his credit card so she may go to Diwali shopping. Adhik informs Pakhi that he has already purchased several items and tells her that he does not have endless funds. Pakhi claims to like shopping, and Anupama has taken away Anuj’s credit card because she does not approve of Pakhi squandering her husband’s money. Adhik approves of Anupama’s choice and asks Pakhi whether she would be upset if Dimpy or Romil used his card to shop. Pakhi claims she doesn’t want to hear lectures, but Adhik refuses to give her his card, enraging Pakhi.


Barkha Mocks Malti Devi

Anupama 18th September 2023

Anuj and Anupama make sweets for the Shah home, which disturbs Malti Devi, who remarks that sweets should only be produced in individual families. Anuj claims that there are no individuals in that home to perform this work. Thus, it makes no difference who makes the sweets. Barkha mocks Malti Devi for not being able to accomplish anything, and Malti Devi vows she will do something great before Diwali. As Anuj and Anupama prepare to depart, Malti Devi brings some silver utensils and pretends to contribute to a charity because the Shahs are impoverished.

What do you think will happen next in the story? If you want to satisfy your curiosity, don’t miss today’s program. Also, share your thoughts in the comments section below. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Also, stay tuned for more information on this intriguing show.

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Kavya Bisht
the authorKavya Bisht
Creative Writer
I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.

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