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Anupama 14th November 2023 Today’s Episode Written Updates

Anupama 14th November 2023 Today’s Episode Written Updates


Anupama and Anuj help Anu arrange presents for an orphanage and write Diwali greetings in the episode Anupama, November 14, 2023. Anupama urges Anu to help needy people since she has plenty of resources. Anuj agrees and asks Anu to help others in need. Anupama and Anuj assist Anu in counting presents and multiplying 5 by 9, which perplexes Anu. Anuj inquires if Anu is weak in math and acknowledges that he is. Anupama instructs her to write her desires in her room. Malti Devi asks Anupama if she understands Anu’s present studies, as they have changed dramatically. Anupama makes every effort, but Malti Devi proposes hiring a tutor to help her stay up. Continue reading to learn more about today’s episode.

Also, read Anupama’s November 13, 2023 episode update.


Happy Diwali


In the meantime, Kavya bids Leela and Hasmukh Diwali and seeks their blessings, following which Toshu and Kinjal arrive and wish everybody Diwali. Leela says she doesn’t know when they’ll be united for Diwali again, which upsets everyone. Then Vanraj appears and touches Hasmukh and Leela’s feet. While Vanraj wishes everyone a happy Diwali, Hasmukh plays a song on the radio and invites everyone to dance with him because he wants everyone to be joyful on this special day.


Hasmukh’s Positive Attitude


Neighbors congregate outside to listen to the music and remark on how the family is already dancing and rejoicing even though Samar died just two months ago. According to Hasmukh, people grumble even when they are attempting to move on from their bereavement, and they want the family to drown in despair instead of continuously.


Happy Vanraj


Vanraj claims that it is not improper for them to smile and approach the neighbors, which makes the family anxious. In front of the others, Vanraj claims that he doesn’t require anything to prove his affection for his son and that he is dancing because Samar enjoys it. Vanraj adds that he still has another son, elderly parents, and a pregnant wife who needs to be happy, so he will attempt to dance and grin from now on.

What do you think will happen next in the story? If you want to satisfy your curiosity, don’t miss today’s program. Also, share your thoughts in the comments section below. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Also, stay tuned for more information on this intriguing show.

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Kavya Bisht: I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.