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Deepika-Ranveer Tied The Knot, Marriage Ceremony Took Place In Italy

Deepika-Ranveer Tied The Knot, Marriage Ceremony Took Place In Italy

Ranveer-Deepika Marriage CeremonyRanveer-Deepika Marriage Ceremony


Finally, the event took place that all the Bollywood fans were waiting for. The popular actor Ranveer Singh tied the knot with Deepika Padukone. Their fans were quite excited about this. To conclude, it is one of the hottest topics on social media.  The Marriage ceremony took place in Lake Como, Italy in Traditional Konkoni rituals. There is also news that the couple will; repeat the marriage vows in Sindhi rituals tomorrow.


Deepika Shared The Wedding News

In late October, Deepika shared the wedding cards on her social media profile. She wrote, “With the blessing of our families, it gives us immense joy in sharing that our wedding is set to take place on the 14th and 15th November 2018.” That post escalated the level of excitement among the fans.


Marriage Ceremony Took Place In Italy


Well, the marriage ceremony took place secretly at 7 Am in Italy and it is reported that only a few people were present at the venue. Moreover, the visitors were not allowed to capture the photos of the couples. So, during their entry, stickers had been placed on the cameras of their phones. According to the sources, Deepika wore a white gown while Ranveer Singh was in a black outfit.


The Sangeet And Mehandi

The sangeet and Mehandi ceremony took place yesterday. Ranveer Singh all eyes were on Ranveer Singh who was trapping everyone’s attention with his charm. He danced and sang for his lady love.


High-Tech Invitation Cards


The wedding ceremonies will be followed by two grand receptions which will be held on 21st and 28th November, The invitation cards for the receptions are quite high-tech. The e-invitation card contains a unique QR code which will be scanned while entering.

We would like to congratulate the couples and wish them thousand years of happiness together. We will Keep you updated about the receptions ceremony.

Ravi Dabas: An Altruist, DBZ Fan, Amateur Boxer and Muay Thai practitioner who loves to spend time on heavy bag