Constant technological development impacts all the spheres of our lives. Education technology involves tools and techniques that are predetermined to add to the educational process’s quality and efficiency on all levels. They even say that technologies will once replace teachers completely. Meanwhile, others are persuaded that human teachers are irreplaceable. AI and ML programs can help you tailor a project, Pro-papers and similar platforms will assist with paperwork assignments, scheduling programs will facilitate your educational progress. Still, there are things that no machine will ever cover. Let’s look closer at these human factors in the educational process.

You can see an inspirational picture, video and listen to music. But nothing will inspire you to learn more than a good teacher. A smart and witty teacher will make a model for the students to follow. He/she can persuade and encourage students to discover and learn more. No program and notification will have the same iconic influence. On the contrary, teachers may turn off the students from learning and acquiring new skills in a certain field. Simultaneously, machine learning hasn’t been reported to produce negative impacts on students’ educational progress. So, here we see the double sides of the issue.
Positive Reinforcement

What will make you want to achieve more in studying is positive reinforcement. Let’s compare: score on the screen and congratulation banner and music or teacher praising you in front of the class and highlighting your personal success. What will have a stronger impact on the desire to evolve more? Human praise will have a greater effect for sure. More to this, it will be more student-oriented. While the machine will praise you for winning scores, the teacher may encourage you not for the best result only but personal progress, for efforts spent on the task completion, for showing a desire to achieve more. Such personalized encouragement can be a crucial turn on in your educational development and help you evolve as a student and specialist in the future.
Individual Approach

Current research proves that AI and ML tools only add to individual approaches in teaching and learning. This is what teachers rarely have time for. When he/she is limited in time and has to teach thirty students simultaneously, there is no place for a personalized approach. Yet, machines can review and calculate every student’s needs and abilities to develop personalized study plans and tasks, respectively. Though the machine will take the student’s mental and physical performance during the calculations, it will never pay attention to social and psychological factors. Family problems, publication disorders, anxiety, or frustration for certain reasons, are the factors that may greatly influence your study performance, but the machine will hardly notice them. Simultaneously, a good teacher is a good listener and psychologist, one who can understand, support, and adjust the study process to help every student achieve more in school and real life.
Live Communication

Human beings are social entities. We tend to communicate, cooperate, and achieve more together. This way, if you only use educational technologies without human interference, it will end no good. Lack of live communication teachers and other students can provide you with will have a strong impact on your wellness, physical and mental, and general progress. Live communication with the teacher will encourage, add an emotional touch to the education process, and humanize teaching and learning. It can never be replaced by automatization but only completed by digital tools and means.
Total Digitalization

Although we should concentrate on human-centralized education, we cannot ignore the digital tools’ place and significance. The combination of technological evolution and positive human impact will result in general education progress and every student’s personal success. A wise and professional teacher should never reject the technological benefits but exploit them to enhance the educational process’s quality and capacity. This way, human and machine factors will complete each other but not eliminate. Such an approach is seen as a solution for education to stay relevant, efficient, personalized, and humanized simultaneously.
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