South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh tied the knot with her longtime beau Antony Thattil. The wedding happened in Goa; it was a private affair. She shared her wedding pictures on social media and a heartfelt note. Keerthy looked elegant in a traditional South Indian bridal dress, looking very happy with Antony on her side. She wrote the caption for the photo as “For the love of Nike,” in which she identified Antony to her fans.
Keerthy Suresh And Antony Thattil Ties Knot
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There is one photograph where Antony is fixing the mangalsutra around Keerthy’s neck, and the moment is adorable. The couple then hugged, genuinely happy and in love with each other from what was depicted in the photos.
In the photos, the couple is watering fruits on each other’s heads with garlands and people beside them laughing and clapping. A priest offered the rituals and then took photographs with their pet dog joining them in the photos. “#ForTheLoveOfNyke,” Keerthy posted.
Keerthy Suresh And Antony Thattil’s Relationship
Keerthy Suresh and Antony Thattil have been in a relationship for nearly 15 years when Keerthy was in high school and Antony was in his final year of graduation. They were together for quite a long time. Still, they are not publicly affectionate, and the couple hardly post pictures together on social media and are hardly seen in public together, keeping their affair away from the public.
Best Wishes From Fans
Many people congratulated Keerthy Suresh after hearing the verdict from fans. Some of the fans responded personally and lovingly as follows: Very happy for both of you, Heartiest congratulations to the both of you, wishing you the best times of your lives together! Happy married life.” The third fan said: “Counting down the days until forever ♾️ begins”. Merry Christmas to both of you and wishing you all the love, joy, and happiness that you deserve in this world. Congratulations, Keerthy.”
Keerthy Suresh will be next seen in one of the most anticipated movies of 2024, Baby John. She will be seen opposite Varun Dhawan and Wamiqa Gabbi.
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