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Unknown Facts About Kishan Lal - The Legend Behind Akshay Kumar’s Gold Movie

Unknown Facts About Kishan Lal – The Legend Behind Akshay Kumar’s Gold Movie

Man Behind Gold Movie - Kishan LalMan Behind Gold Movie - Kishan Lal


The brand new, upcoming film ‘Gold’ starring Akshay Kumar is bringing us a nostalgic and powerful story. The story of India under the rule of British Raj, and how a hockey team that won victories ever so eagerly wanted to sing their national anthem for their wins. The role of Tapan Das, played by Akshay Kumar is actually based off of the former captain of the Indian hockey team, Kishan Lal. Here are some amazing tidbits you should definitely know about him to fully enjoy the movie.


1. It Started At Polo


Kishan Lal was not always into hockey since his early childhood. Being born in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, the young Kishan took love for the sport of polo. At the age of 14, he took up playing hockey. This is the game that has stayed with him throughout his life.


2. A Hockey Player


Kishan Lal represented the Mhow Heroes, Mhow Green Walls and played for Kalyanmal Mills in Indore just two years later, at the age of 16! He joined the BB and CI Railways, now known as the Western Railways in 1941. It was this team that he later led to victory in the London Olympics held in 1948.


3. International Fame


The bigshots in the sports industry had already noticed Kishan Lal’s talent by 1947. Things only got better as India got independence. He was selected as second-in-command to captain Dhyan Chand for the Indian Hockey Team. The very next year, he was appointed captain!


4. The London Olympics


This is the field that set it all. The Indian Hockey team faced their bitter political rival, team Great Britain in the finals after beating Austria, Spain, Argentina, and Holland. And with ardent efforts to see team India win gold, they indeed succeeded. Team India, in 1948, won gold in the Olympics Hockey.

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Vijay Alagar: Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Creative writer at daytime, Batman at night.