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Kumkum Bhagya Today’s 15th November 2023 Written Updates

Kumkum Bhagya Today’s 15th November 2023 Written Updates

Kumkum Bhagya 28th July 2023Kumkum Bhagya 28th July 2023

The November 15, 2023, episode of Kumkum Bhagya begins with Jasbeer approaching the stadium with full rage in his eyes, prepared to get retribution on RV. He considers how he will punish RV for interfering in his affairs and insulting him by evicting him from the venue. His bodyguards, however, stop him from going any farther with the hazardous blade in his grasp while Jasbeer pleads with them to let him go. Continue reading to learn about today’s episode.

Also, read Kumkum Bhagya’s November 14, 2023, Written Updates.


Jasbeer Yells At His Bodyguards


One of his bodyguards warns him against killing RV in public and advises Jasbeer to consider his father’s image before committing a crime. The bodyguards request that Jasbeer remain cool and refrain from commenting on any errors, since this may lower the amount of tickets available for voting for his father. This incites Jasbeer to strike out at them, telling them that if they care so much about his father, they should work for him rather than for him.


What Will Happen Next In Kumkum Bhagya?


The upcoming Kumkum Bhagya episode will begin with Jasbeer shouting at his bodyguards for siding with his father rather than backing him. However, his bodyguards tell him to rest. They will assist him in devising a larger plot to get revenge on RV because they understand how he must be feeling.

Jasbeer instructs them to keep their mouths quiet and dismisses them as useless since all they know is how to backstab someone who nourished them when they were at their worst. This makes the bodyguards feel bad since they feel sorry for Jasbeer and guilty for not assisting him when he wanted them the most. Meanwhile, Jasbeer grins as he emotionally blackmails his bodyguards into supporting him in his crime.

Purvi stands in a corner, wondering about the situation and how Jasbeer caught her, while RV looks at her from far away, assuring her of his support. Purvi nervously grins when he reverts it, prompting Purvi to recollect the day he saved her from Jasbeer. Meanwhile, Jasbeer waits behind the massive Ravan statue with his bodyguards, ready to teach RV a lesson. He happily reveals his desire to sever Ravan’saidol’sol’s legs, forcing them to tumble onto the pandal while fireworks burst within.

What will happen next in the narrative of Kumkum Bhagya? Also, please share your views about KumBhagya’sya’s episodes in the comment section below. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Keep an eye out for today’s Kumkum Bhagya episode. Also, stay tuned for further updates.

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Kavya Bisht: I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.