Kundali Bhagya Today’s 1st February 2024 Written Updates

Today’s Kundali Bhagya 1st February 2024 episode begins with Nidhi approaching Kareena and informing her that they are placing themselves at a huge risk by allowing everything to unfold around Karan. She informs her that Preeta is a bad omen because she creates scenarios that put him in peril whenever she is near him. Kareena pauses momentarily, realizing that what Nidhi is saying rings true. Continue reading to learn more about today’s episode.

Also, read the 31st January 2023 episode of Kundali Bhagya.


Nidhi’s Persuasion


Meanwhile, Nidhi realizes the iron is extremely hot and continues to persuade Kareena that they ought to keep Preeta away from Karan since Karan is Luthra’s lifeline, and Preeta has come back to kill Karan. On the other hand, Mohit returns to Rajveer. Palki informs him that they must go inside since Karan needs blood, which the hospital doesn’t have in its blood reserve.


What Will Happen Next In Kundali Bhagya?


The next episode will begin with the nurse exiting the blood donation area and informing Kareena and Nidhi that they must locate another donor immediately since they can’t take Shaurya’s blood. Just then, the doctor arrives, and the nurse informs him that when she checked Shaurya’s blood, she discovered alcohol, rendering his blood useless to Karan. Preeta, on the other side, comes to the hospital and pauses at the gate, where she finds Rajveer, Mohit, and Palki. When questioned about Karan’s state, Palki informs Preeta that Karan requires blood, which the hospital is short of and has placed Karan’s life at risk.

When Preeta learns that Karan’s blood group is AB+, she remembers Rajveer having the same blood group and takes his hand to lead him inside. However, Rajveer informs her that he won’t give Karan blood and is not concerned if he survives or dies. Preeta appears stunned to hear Rajveer’s rejection but becomes enraged at his final remarks and smacks him before he can finish his sentence.

What will happen next in Kundali Bhagya? Let us know what you think in the comment section below. We are also looking forward to hearing from you! Also, tune into Kundali Bhagya at 9:30 PM to discover what happens next. Also, stay tuned for further updates.

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Kavya Bisht: I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.