
These Are The Movies With Longest-Running Time, Check Out Which One Is The Longest

The Running Time For The Longest Movie Is Over One Month

Longest-Running Moviesvia

Generally, the movies are 120 to 150 minutes long. But there are many short stories that last for a few minutes. But do you know, there are many movies that lasted for many days. In fact, the longest running movie is longer than the duration of a month. Yes! You have read it right, let us take a look at some of the Longest-running movies of all times.


20. Imitation Of Christ – 8 Hours

The film itself is a realistic drama-comedy about a handsome young man called Son, silent and moody, who spends much time in his bedroom with the family maid. It was released in 1967 and was 8 hours long.


19. Baa Baa Land – 8 Hours

Longest-Running Movies

The title of the movie is derived from the nursery rhyme line “Baa Baa black sheep”. In the movie the only characters are sheep and the duration of the movie is 8 hours.


18. Empire – 8 Hours, 5 Minutes

Longest-Running Movies

It is a silent movie released in 1964. It was one of the longest movies of that time.


17. Paint Drying – 10 Hours, 7 Minutes

Longest-Running Movies

Paint Drying is a 2016 British feature film directed and produced by Charlie Lyne. The film is about paint on a wall drying, lasting for 10 hours and 7 minutes.


16. Circus Savage- 10 Hour, 43 Minutes

It is a documentary movie which was released directed and produced by Lawrence Jordan.

Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
An Altruist, DBZ Fan, Amateur Boxer and Muay Thai practitioner who loves to spend time on heavy bag

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