
These Are Some Of The Lesser Known Facts About Preity Zinta

She Had Near Death Encounters Twice In 2004


Preity Zinta is one of the most successful actresses in Bollywood. Starting her acting career in 1998 with “Dil Se”, the actress put her name among the top Bollywood actresses. Today, on the occasion of her birthday, we have brought you some lesser-known facts about Preity Zinta.


1. Near-Death Encounter Twice

Priety Zinta

Luck also favored the actress. She has near-death encounters twice. Both happened in 2004. First, when she was in Colombo and attending a concert and an explosion took place. Second, she was on vacation in Thailand and the area where she was staying was hit by a Tsunami.


2. Got The Doctorate Degree

Priety Zinta

Preity has Honorary Doctorate Degree of Arts; she got the degree back in October 2010 from University of East England.


3. Preity Zinta Adopted 34 Girls

Priety Zinta

Preity adopted 34 girls from an Orphanage in Rishikesh in 2009.  It was her 34th birthday. She is taking care of the girls after that and full fills all their needs.


4. Received Godfrey Phillips Bravery Award

Priety Zinta

Preity Zinta does know how to hold the ground. She did not back out when she was opposed Bharat Shah who made death threats against the film industry.

Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
An Altruist, DBZ Fan, Amateur Boxer and Muay Thai practitioner who loves to spend time on heavy bag

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